Dune Arrakis Dawn Of The Fremen
£40.00 was £50
Dune Arrakis Dawn Of The Fremen
£40.00 was £50
Publisher: Gale Force Nine

Dune Arrakis Dawn Of The Fremen
Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen is a brutal, cutthroat game about tribal control of Arrakis, more than a hundred generations before the Atreides come to Arrakis.
In the game, you control a tribe of Fremen warriors who are struggling to gather the scarce resources of Arrakis, develop the weapons and sietches you need to survive, and harness the power of sandworms for battle. Gameplay is split into three sections:
- Harj — the final part of the game set-up in which players jockey for position
- Initiation Cycle — the first cycle of the game, with a few restrictions to ease into gameplay
- Cycles — each cycle is split into several phases, with cycles continuing until the game is won
You can conquer Arrakis two ways, by controlling the winning number of sietches at the end of the action phase or by unanimous decision of the council when all players agree that you cannot be prevented from winning...
Arrakis : Dawn of the Fremen is the brutal, cutthroat game about tribal control of Arrakis,long before the events of the novel DuneEach player controls a tribe of Fremen warriors, struggling to gather the scarce resources ofArrakis, developing the weapons and sietches they’ll need to survive, and harnessing thepower of sandworms for battle.
Will your tribe prevail, or will you vanish into the desert?
Arrakis : Dawn of the Fremen is the third Dune game from the creators of the legendaryoriginal 1979 & 2019 Dune: A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy & Betrayal, and recent huge hit,Dune: A Game of Conquest & Diplomacy once again bringing their passion and immersion forthe world created by Frank Herbert to your tabletop.
Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen is set more than a hundred generations before the Atreidescame to Arrakis. The game focuses on the hard choices Fremen leaders made whenbargaining, cooperating and competing in the harsh Arrakis environment to gain and protectscarce resources and to create the communal cave dwellings they called sietches.